When you’re suffering from a period of pain, you’ll be aware of the link between your pain and your quality of sleep. A bad night’s sleep can increase our sensitivity to pain, and in return, increased pain makes it difficult to sleep. After a night tossing and turning trying to get comfortable, facing the next day can be a real challenge.

What’s the relationship between chronic pain and poor sleep?

The relationship between pain and sleep is complex.

  • Pain (particularly long-term pain) changes the way the brain works
  • Stress, anxiety, and negative emotions that accompany pain can make it hard to switch your brain off
  • Pain can lead you to be less active, which can lead reduced functionality, and to poor sleep
  • Pain can make it hard to find a comfortable sleeping position, or can wake you up during the night
  • Disrupted sleep patterns can cause a cycle of poor sleep

How can you improve your sleep quality?

Here are a few habits that you can try to help you break the vicious cycle of pain and poor sleep:

Only go to bed when sleepy, this helps to re-associate the bed with sleep. And try to avoid day-time napping. If you need a nap because of tiredness or pain, nap early in the day (between 1-3 PM) for less than an hour.

Develop a bedtime routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Having a routine helps to set our biological clock.

Block out outside stimulus by turning off all electronics and unpluging from screens at least 30 minutes before bed. Make sure your bedroom is dark and cool.

Avoid big meals, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine before bed. These can lead to less restorative sleep.

Manage your anxieties and stress before you go to bed. Try clearing your head several hours before bedtime by writing down what’s on your mind. Then put your thoughts into categories (e.g., finances, to do’s, shopping lists), and write down possible solutions.

If your pain, sleep, or insomnia continues to be an issue for you, be sure to discuss it with your family physician.

https://www.practical painmanagement.com/ meeting-summary/ breaking-cycle-insomnia-chronic-pain
