First, do not panic! Panic can cause your brain to amplify the nerve signals. Gently remind yourself that nothing dangerous is happening inside you and that this particular flare-up will pass.

Obviously, if there is a simple and healthy way to relieve the pain, do it.

Next, notice your emotional reactions to the pain. Don’t try to push emotions away.

Just see and acknowledge what you are feeling.

Now, start focusing on the pain sensations themselves.

Where exactly do you feel the pain? What kind of sensation do you feel?

How intense is the sensation?

And how much does the sensation bother you?

For each of these questions, as you think, count 3-10 gentle breaths.

The next step is to shift focus towards something else: sounds/taste/smell/a different body part/rhythms…etc.

Then bring your mental focus back to the pain.

Repeat the entire process two more times.

Your intention is the most crucial part of the exercise.

Rather than; `I am trying to make this pain go away, or I am ignoring the pain` use these intentions `I am training my mental flexibility; I am learning to observe my pain with fewer emotions, I am strengthening my ability to focus on other things even while I feel pain, and I am getting better at staying calm even when pain is with me. `

MSK-0044 Rev A