3 Things We Learned from The Dr. Oz Show
Dario in the Spotlight: Our Appearance on a Popular Talk Show

Recently, the Dario Blood Glucose Monitoring System made a guest appearance on the famed Dr. Oz show! We were asked to participate in the SOMETHING TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT segment and to make a (surprise) donation to a grandmother cyclist who is trying to raise awareness about diabetes.
How so? The rider, Tracy Herbert who has been living with type 1 diabetes for over 40 years, is raised money for diabetes by riding from San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge to New York City’s Brooklyn Bridge. More on that soon; keep reading.
Being on the popular talk show was truly an honor and it was a wonderful way to be recognized for all our hard work and dedication. But in truth, the real cheers go out to our loyal members who use Dario day-in and day-out to help them simplify their diabetes journey.
In the days after our team was behind stage and in the studio audience, it got us thinking about what the show provides and we came up with the 3 key takeaways that can really motivate anyone or any business. Let’s examine them together and get inspired!
1. The power of positive energy
Dr. Oz has unbounded amounts of positive energy and it’s contagious! It seems that everyone who walked through the doors of his studio that day was touched by the doctor’s true charm. He’s the ultimate coach who strongly roots for the population at large.
Reverberating across the studio, the intense positive energy was palpable and everyone must have left with a good feeling and hope.

2. Enjoy the moment
Obviously, when the show is taping your forbidden to take pictures, but after the show was over and our CEO and Chairman, Erez Raphael, ascended to the stage with Dr. Oz and Tracy Herbert, we took a few snapshots with our smartphone.
In hindsight, that admittedly was not the best use of our energy because the producers provided us with amazing professional pictures.
Obviously, smartphones are a necessity of our lives but don’t forget to keep them in your pocket or purse when something important in life is happening. This way YOU get to experience the moment to its fullest!
3. Good gals finish first
Finally, good gals really do finish first! And by that, we mean Tracy Herbert.
Tracy has been featured all over the news for her heroic cross-country bike ride and when she peddled into the studio she was given a truly deserved heroine’s welcome. When we spoke with her she said that at first, she didn’t know where this journey would take her, but with good intentions, she started off. And we’re glad we got the chance to meet her along the way and contribute to her fund.
The best part about this was the element of surprise because she didn’t know we were behind her epic ride!

In the end, appearing on the Dr. Oz Show was an unforgettable experience that will stick with us for years to come. For us, the most valuable part of the encounter with Dr. Oz and Tracy Herbert is being able to look back, learn from them both, and carry these takeaways with us moving forward!

<b>Medical Disclaimer</b>
The articles provided on this website are for informational purposes only. In addition, it is written for a generic audience and not a specific case; therefore, this information should not be used for diagnostic or medical treatment. This site does not attempt to replace the patient-physician relationship and fully recommends the reader to seek out the best care from his/her physician and/or diabetes educator.
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