Diabetes Management in the Springtime
Spring is the perfect time to take a second look at your diabetes management routine and make some positive changes.

By Janice Baker, MBA, RD, CDE, CNSC, BC-ADM
Spring is perhaps the most beautiful time of the year. It’s full of brighter colors, longer days, special holidays and celebrations, and warmer weather! Of course, spring is also when we do our “spring cleaning” and get rid of old items that we no longer need.
But spring cleaning can also mean getting rid of bad habits and making positive changes for the upcoming year. Here are some “spring cleaning” ideas for diabetes management as well as for overall good health:
- Being outside: Being outside is probably the best part of spring and has tons of advantages like stress reduction, fresh air, sunshine, and many others. Exercising inside of a cold, metallic gym may be OK for some, or necessary in a harsh climate, however walking in your neighborhood or on a local trail helps us to “unplug” from life’s stressors and opens up our eyes to interesting sights and the beauty of nature.
- Footwear/foot care: Even if the weather is warmer, protective quality footwear is always important. With diabetes, changes in the bone structure, sense of feeling, and circulation puts our feet at extra risk of injury and problems with healing blisters or wounds. Invest in quality footwear and consider seeing a podiatrist for expert advice on the best choices for your feet.
- A spring recipe: Experiment with new salad recipes; consider trying seasonal fruits and vegetables in a variety of ways such as roasted asparagus or fresh strawberries as a topping on Greek yogurt. There are many simple and delicious recipes that don’t take much time or cooking skills to put together. Remember, it’s always a great idea to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables for our overall health as well as for diabetes management.
- Spring “cleaning” as a physical activity: You don’t always have to go outside or to a gym to get activity into your life! We know that it can be especially helpful for blood sugar control to “move after meals”! Most of us have a closet to organize, a floor to sweep, windows or a car to wash, among other home chores. Yes, they all do “count” and help us minimize sedentary time which does increase health risks. Consider making an active “to do” list which can be a great first step towards increasing activity and blood sugar management.
- Hydrate: As the weather warms up, increasing fluid intake may be necessary as well. Dehydration can be a factor in higher blood sugar levels, increased risk of infections and blood clots. Keep a few good water bottles around, have a glass of water with and between meals, and flavor with lemon or other citrus fruit slices for added flavor.
- Dine outdoors: If possible, eating meals outdoors when the weather permits can actually help with weight control and blood sugar management. This is especially true for those who are used to eating while watching TV or in front of a screen of some sort. Dining outdoors helps us slow down and actually allows us to enjoy the taste of food as well as helping to “reconnect” with our internal signaling of hunger and fullness.
Experiment with the above tips and see how they work for you, these little “realignments” can make a big difference!
<b>Medical Disclaimer</b>
The articles provided on this website are for informational purposes only. In addition, it is written for a generic audience and not a specific case; therefore, this information should not be used for diagnostic or medical treatment. This site does not attempt to replace the patient-physician relationship and fully recommends the reader to seek out the best care from his/her physician and/or diabetes educator.
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