About Susan Sloane
Susan B. Sloane, BS, RPh, CDE, has been a registered pharmacist for more than 29 years and a Certified Diabetes Educator for most of her career. Her two sons were diagnosed with diabetes, and since then, she has been dedicated to promoting wellness and optimal outcomes as a patient advocate, information expert, educator, and corporate partner.

Susan has published numerous articles on the topic of diabetes for patients and health care professionals. She has committed her career goals to helping patients with diabetes stay well through education.

Medical Disclaimer
The articles provided on this website are for informational purposes only. In addition, it is written for a generic audience and not a specific case; therefore, this information should not be used for diagnostic or medical treatment. This site does not attempt to replace the patient-physician relationship and fully recommends the reader to seek out the best care from his/her physician and/or diabetes educator.

  1. Nash, J. (2013). “Dealing with diagnosis,” in Diabetes and wellbeing: Managing the psychological and emotional challenges of diabetes types 1 and 2. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  2. http://www.sugarscience.org/hidden-in-plain-sight/
  3. Behavioral and Psychosocial Research with School-Aged Children with Type 1 Diabetes” in Diabetes Spectrum (10: 277-281, 1997)
  4. http://www.diabetes.org/living-with-diabetes/parents-and-kids/diabetes-care-at-school/written-care-plans/section-504-plan.html
  5. Pacaud D, Kelley H, Downey AM, Chiasson M. Successful delivery of diabetes self-care education and follow-up through eHealth media. Can J Diabetes. 2012;36:257–262.


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